My poor neglected blog
I have quite a rubbish relationship with this blog, in fact I totally forgot it existed untill I was reading one of my friends blogs and I said "oh yeah I've got one out there somewhere" I couldn't really say more then that tho. That made me think perhaps I could try and visit this thing more often.
It is HOT in London right now, and us British can't really do heat, we dont have the technology! That is air conditioning doesnt really exisit to the degree that it should on day's like this.
I've been to Florida a few times and air conditioning is everywhere, well it has to be! So you get baked by the sun and then frozen by the air con. But at least you're not stuck on a stuffy sweaty tube with your face in someone elses armpit (the tube is always packed this time of year with tourists) with frequent announcements to keep drinking water, like duh!!!
So, here I am in my flat trying to battle the heat with my pathetic little fan, it's my excuse not to do any house work tho :)
Well, hopefully I wont neglect this blog again...... unless I die from heat exaustion!
It is HOT in London right now, and us British can't really do heat, we dont have the technology! That is air conditioning doesnt really exisit to the degree that it should on day's like this.
I've been to Florida a few times and air conditioning is everywhere, well it has to be! So you get baked by the sun and then frozen by the air con. But at least you're not stuck on a stuffy sweaty tube with your face in someone elses armpit (the tube is always packed this time of year with tourists) with frequent announcements to keep drinking water, like duh!!!
So, here I am in my flat trying to battle the heat with my pathetic little fan, it's my excuse not to do any house work tho :)
Well, hopefully I wont neglect this blog again...... unless I die from heat exaustion!