The Adventures of RaCh

Monday, December 12, 2005


Today I've been mainly thinking about those crazy events in your life that only appear but once a year and can either be cause to celebrate or comiserate. I'm talking of course about birthdays. Mine's comming up soon and to be honest I'm sort of freaked out by it. Time was birthdays were an excuse to eat as much cake and ice cream as you liked, jump around on a bouncy castle and be sick on Stephen Walker from 3p's head. Just one example of a truly AWESOME birthday!!!
These days I have a sort of insecurtity complex about it all, is it still ok to make a big deal out of your birthday? Most people are sort of modest about it "oh no you dont have to buy me anything" which is code for YOU BETTER BUY ME SOMETHING AS LEAST AS EXPENSIVE AS THE GIFT I GOT YOU. And there's the politics of the birthday bash be it party or otherwise. Who to invite? Who not to invite? It's a minefield out there!
When I was little the tradition was to hire out the local sports hall get all the kids jacked up on sugar include roller skates and inflatables and chaos insues. I swear it's more fun then dinner in a fancy restaurant. The guest list wasnt a problem either my mum mainly chose who went my although my choices came a close second!
And then there's the age issue, personally I dont get being sensitve about your age, it's just a number and really doesnt mean that much unless you are under the age of 18 when it certainly does mean everything to look older! I'm trying to grow up gracefully, which although traumatic has it's goodside too. I no longer am sporting a dodgy frizzy hair cut and braces and I can eat ice cream for dinner if i want to name a few top reasons! It does freak me out sometimes when I have to do soemthing really grown up like talk to bank managers and introduce people to my husband.
I guess birthdays are there to be celebrated I mean look at xmas! You dont see Jesus getting all shy about his age and he's at least in his mid to late 3344000's hmmm 22 doesnt seem so bad you know.


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