The Adventures of RaCh

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Nostalgia or something

I'm going to see Ben Folds today. It's gonna be cool, havent been to a gig in years. Well not a proper one anyway, I'm sure local bands in pubs dont really count as proper gigs, the ones in old man pubs where the only audience is like 5 mates and a few regulars and everyone drinks a bit too much cider before you go in. Ahhh nostalgia, if thats how you spell it! (Is there a spell check on this thing?) I forget how cool and rebelious it felt to get into a pub underage. I'm doing a big teenage kicks reminising thing right now, seeing as this weekend I'm heading off to sunny Cornwall with my best friends from school. We all went when we were 18 and I remember wondering if I'd still be as close to them all in a few years as I was then. When you're in school you dont exactly realise that there is actually a world beyond it. All I cared about was who was seeing who, the next party, talking about the last one, and all those rumors that seem completly unrealistic now but when you're 15 for all you knew could be completly true. I dont think any ever were.
I always think it's kinda funny that I tend to regress slightly when I'm with my old school friends. 3 years on (yes I know it's not that long!) we're all still really tight. I had 2 of my best friends from school as bridesmaids, and whenever I go back to the town where I grew up, it feels like I was just away for a long weekend, even the sense of dread still returns whenever I walk past my old school.
I think mabe it's like that because it's hard to let go and move on. A significant part of my life was spent there in that place and with those people. It's like I said, I didnt really imagine a world beyond the school playground.
But I guess you get used to it, I'm sure in 10 years time I'll be freaking out because I'll have kids, a mortgage and a carrer. I'll pay all my bills on time and never sleep past my alarm, mabe even my bedroom will be tidy! Untill then I suppose I can spend the afternoon watching dodgy daytime tv, look out my window at the grey sky and watch the rain fall, and imagine there's no world outside my sofa.
till next time!


I dont know how to add links on here yet but these are blogs of people I know.