The Adventures of RaCh

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

RaCh's 1st blog

Well, well, well.
I seem to have joined the world that is known as blogging.
In true unemployed style, I'm doing, something, anything, that distracts from the mindnumbingly stupid daytime tv. It is also almost 2 and I'm still not dressed. I feel that is an achievement in itself.
I have absolutly no idea on what to put in these things I've never done one before.
Mabe I'll check out what else I can do here.
Later dudes!!!
I want a make poverty history thingy on here, how on earth do i get one?

Live 8

oohhhhhhhh!!!!! Live Aid is gonna have another concert!!
I'm very very excited! This time I'll be able to go (mabe) and remember it and everything.
Has anyone bothered watching big brother yet?

does it suck?
I havent seen any and I'm kind of intreguied although i haven't left the flat yet and i could slowly be going very crazy.
I think I like blogging tho.
Yay big concerts for free!!